



目前恩道有以下几个岗位正在招募同工,请有兴趣申请的弟兄姐妹,发送个人求职简历、得救见证和作品集(如有必要)至[email protected]













2.精通主流开发框架,包括Spring MVC、Spring Boot、Spring Cloud、Spring Security和MyBatis;










Position Summary (Report to Controller):

1.Possess a deep technical knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles, and abilityto prepare financial documents, and proficiency with accounting information systems and basic office application skills including Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.

2.Must be attentive to detail as reflected in identify errors or inconsistencies in data to ensure accurate, complete and reliable financial data and reporting.

3.Be able to communicate financial concepts to stakeholders including but not limited to coworkers, management team, and external parties interacting with.

4.Must be able to manage time by recognizing priorities, continuing improvements on workflows, and developing efficient financial reporting systems.

5.Must be a person with strong integrity with values that are consistent with TTi and Inspirata.


Detail Job Description:

1.Daily tracking of bank transactions and reconciling to cash accounts as reflected in the companies’ general ledger. Post missing journal entries required and alert the Controller on a timely basis.

2.Manage all accounting transactions by recording all companies’ transactions in respective journals: Cash, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Sales and Accounts Receivable, Inventory,Donations, and others as needed.

3.Reconcile subledgers to General ledger and intercompany activities on a timely basis.

4.Review employee business expenses report and notify management of any abuses and incompliance with regulatory and company’s policies.

5.Conduct periodic physical inventory and fixed assets and research causes and reasons for discrepancies.

6.Compute taxes and prepare sales, payroll and income taxes returns as required by laws and regulations in the United States and Hong Kong, SAR.

7.Prepare periodic closings and draft monthly, quarterly and yearly financial statements for Controller’s review on a timely basis.

8.Secure Controller’s approval for summary monthly postings and unusual transactions as required.

9.Assist the Controller and management in preparing the annual budget and forecasts.

10.Other duties as assigned and required.





Position Summary (Report to the President):

1.Lead and be responsible for the financial management including accounting, internal control,financial reporting, budget, forecasting, financial analyses, risk management and regulatory compliance with laws and regulations in the United States and Hong Kong SAR.

2.Be a person of critical thinking and attention to detail that can identify errors, manage  complex processes, and improve accuracy in financial reporting and data analyses.

3.Possess strong technical proficiency in internal control, financial reporting, regulatory compliance to assist the President in managing the everchanging operating environments.

4.Able to communicate and facilitate tasks and goals effectively with others, especially pertaining to financial matters as a key leader of the company with a servant and service-oriented mentality.

5.Have a strong motivation to continuously improve and adapt as individual and companywide for technology and business operations to achieve the vision and mission of the company.

6.Must be a person with strong integrity with values that are consistent with TTi and Inspirata.


Detail Job Description:

1.Lead the accounting and financial functions, provide oversight to the recording of accounting transactions, and supervise and direct all financial personnel.

2.Review internal controls over companies’ activities and continuously strengthen these performances.

3.Prepare and report periodic financial statements (including comparative balance sheets,income statements and cash flows) to the President and then the Board of Directors.

4.Identify budget variances, analyze root causes and communicate corrective actions as required.Initiate key financial projects after consultation with the President.

5.Manage cash flows and ensure no depletion of cash position.

6.Review significant business transactions, especially cash disbursements, payroll, tax remittance, accounts receivable collections, inventory management, and their reserves requirements.

7.Manage and comply with local, state, and federal government reporting requirements and tax filings in the US and in Hong Kong SAR.

8.Consult with the President and senior management team for annual goals and objectives and project/update a financial plan on a longer term for the review of the President and senior management team.

9.Prepare current year forecast and annual budget for next fiscal year to be reviewed by the  President and senior team, and then approval by the Board of Directors on a timely basis.

10.Identify business risk and determine how to mitigate, e.g., insurance purchases

11.Manage and coordinate compliance audits as required.

12.Other duties as assigned and required.


















TTi讲师 Instructor (全职或兼职)



一、 教学开发与设计:

1. 协助或独立进行 TTi密集/在线课程的开发,包括(但不限于):邀请合适的教授,确定课程大纲,协助课程的教学等;

2. 协助或独立进行在线课程1设计,包括(但不限于):

1) 准备课程资料:课程大纲、讲义、课程介绍、教材或教科书的翻译等;

2) 对香港密集课程所拍摄的视频教学素材按照知识点制定切割重组方案;

3) 选取或编写相应的阅读材料(背景资料、要点概述、意义与实践应用等);

4) 编写相应的交互式练习(选择题、同伴互评题、专文、教会实践等)。


二、 教学实践:

1. 担任 TTi密集/在线培训课程的讲师:

1) 通过在线学习平台与沟通工具与学员建立教与学的互动关系, 提供写作提示和范例,定期答疑;

2) 组织带领线上研讨会(Webinars),讨论课程重要议题、背景知识;帮助学员了解作业要求,并解答学员在撰写作业中的困惑;

3) 在密集课程营会期间:

a. 旁听小组讨论,观察个别学员,有需要时提供指引,解答问题,并收集小组讨论时的提问,翻译后提供授课老师在课堂中回答,协助授课老师和同学的课间交流。

b. 听课时留意交传同工的翻译,当翻译发生重要错漏时,尽量作出及时的记录,并于课间予以及时提醒和商榷。

c. 如营会后需将此课设计为在线课程,建议讲师在营会听课期间,以及旁听学员讨论时,可思考合适的处境化习题,并尽量在营会后的一年内完成该门课程的在线设计。

2. 指导 TTi学员完成密集/在线培训课程的作业并为作业评分,如发现作业抄袭,提交教学与教务组,并与相关学员协谈,执行纪律处分。

3. 帮助建立合宜的教育理念和技巧、完善各种教育项目及课程的教导及学习方法。

4. 在事奉中善用信息技术,能与团队一同事奉并做出个人贡献。

5. 如担任密集培训课程的助教,需要能够出差较长时间,进行教学及相关事奉。




